Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 16 (349 days to go)

Hi all,                                                            October 25th, 2009

Well, it's still a bit difficult to make myself fit in workout time each and every day but I still believe it's do-able :) and I still have High Hopes that it will pay off!

I had a busy friend weekend and so was distracted by friendly entertainment but still managed to squeeze in a must do 2 mile walk/jog. 

Tonight was especially difficult as 9:30 pm rolled around and I still had not done my workout for today.  I beggingly (is that a word? ) asked my husband to be supportive with getting my 2 miles in for today. It took a bit of conversation to explain in detail what exactly I was talking about but in the end he figured out what kind of support I was asking for in my "girl language" and stepped up to the plate, for which I'm very grateful for :) Chris stood by the treadmill and politely encouraged me to do just a little better and in some cases I surprised him and did even better then better with a sprint at 6.5 :)  Chris helped me get a couple of my laps down to 4 1/2 minutes. So, if I can get my laps down to 4 minutes then I'll achieve a new time of 2 miles in 36 minutes.

Each day does get better!  It is getting quite apparent though that sugar and high fat foods are not welcome in my diet anymore. I'm having a love/hate about this fact.

I love you all and I hope that my journaling is somehow helping!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I love your dedication!!! Keep on keepin' on - you can do this! Kar.
