Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 130 (235 days to go)

Hi,                  Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Well I have finally caught up to my blog day :) and back on track :) Thinking about my Grandma Marie today who passed away 5 years ago today, I sure miss her a bunch and still find myself crying because I want so bad to share my life with her and to hear her wise words and to see her beautiful smiles :) You were 81 1/2 years and I thought you were too young to die.  I named my daughter after you and I try to live my life in ways that would have made you proud.  You taught me so many valuable things in life and by the time I realized how much you had done for me you were gone.  I Love You So Much Grandma and life just hasn't been the same without you in it. Grandpa Clarence has somehow learned to keep living even 5 years later and I'm so proud of how he's handled you not being there and I know you'd be proud of him. You both have blessed my life and helped me to be a better person.  Thank you for all the ways you disciplined me to pay attention to the little things and big things in life. Elicia

I'm so happy to share that my husband encouraged me to get on the treadmill while he watched the kids and I walked 2 miles in 36:33 :)

Total: 135 Miles!

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